Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Holocaust and Japanese Internment Camps

The Holocaust was Hitler's "Final Solution" plan in action. It first started with kristallnacht which is when Nazi troops started to attack Jewish homes, stores, synagogues. The next thing that led to the Holocaust was emigration, where Hitler was trying to have other countries take the Jews into their land. After awhile of emigration countries stopped taking in the Jews and closed off their borders to them. Then Hitler had no other way of getting rid of the Jews in Germany, that is when Hitler started the "Final Solution". Hitler had concentration camps and extermination camp built. The concentration were meant to capture and hold the Jews and the extermination camps were meant to kill them in mass numbers. At the end of this 11 million people were kills, 6 million of them being the Jews.
The Japanese Internment camps were started after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. March 1942 the U.S. military rounded up Nisei and other people that they felt were a threat to America and put them in internment camps. Nisei is the name given to Japanese Americans who were native born Americans citizens. Of all the people in these internment camps 2/3 of them were Nisei. These camps were not like concentration or extermination camps where they starved the people in them or killed them, they just held them there so they could not do nothing that would hurt America in the war.

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