Sunday, April 27, 2014

The U.S. involvement and Dropping the Atomic Bombs

The development of atomic bombs was created in the Manhattan Project, which was a project to create a bomb that could deal a lot of damage. It later would become known as the atomic bomb. The project was led by General Leslie Groves and chief scientist J. Robert Oppenheimer. President Truman was not sure of what the damage these bombs could make deal. The reason he decided to use them was that was informed by one of his advisers that if America invaded Japan that the Allies would most likely loose over 500,000 lives. So, Truman warned Japan that if they do not surrender they could expect a "rain of ruin from the air". Japan did not surrender and Truman launched the missiles. These missiles killed over 100,000 people on impact and more later from radiation poison. Also these missiles leveled cities and town and turned them into a wasteland.

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